ONess Common-Webapp-Controller
ONess Common-Webapp-Controller is a module from the ONess project.
Provides common classes and resources to the webapp controller of other modules.
- A base action that dispatchs to different methods based on action url
- An action that populates database using dbunit database sets
- Spring support action to get application context
- Listener that populates application scoped beans and allows database population on startup
- TestCase base class to allow MockStrutsTestCase and JMock work together
- Tiles controller that switchs layout based on user browser
- BeanUtils converters to copy properties to and from action froms
- Project-wide internationalized messages
Switching layout based on user browser
The SwitchLayoutController class is a Tiles controller that checks user-agent http header and changes layout using simple rules and definitions from tiles configuration file.
Watch some screenshots.
To learn more check the javadoc and oness-common-webapp-view docs.